
The Tech Herald was originally created as an outlet for some of the staff on Monsters and Critics.com to write more tech orientated content.

The site ended up covering general tech news each day but also specialized in security. This included testing exploits and threats in the real world via systematic tests.

More recently the focus has moved back to more mainstream tech but the site is still undergoing some changes as we juggle contributors.

The team has included Steve Ragan, Stevie Mostyn, James Wray, Sandip Singh, and Julian Cheatle.


All our writers abide by the Society of Professional Journalism Code of Ethics, which promotes four main tenets: Seeking the truth, minimizing harm, acting independently, and being accountable and transparent. Our ownership information is below. If you have any complaints or believe something we have published is inaccurate, please contact us and we will address the issue as soon as possible.


The Tech Herald is owned by Digital Minefield Ltd, a private limited company registered in Scotland, United Kingdom.

The registered offices are at 1.3 TechCube, 1 Summerhall Place, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, EH9 1QE.

Digital Minefield Ltd is entirely independent and receives no outside funding.

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